5th September to 16th September, 2024

Metacognition 14, Sep 2024

Today, we Prepare our Tomorrow: The Junior School Clubs and Societies

Futsal 7-a-side, Football Tournament Played between AC vs ACOBA

A Dive for Victory - The Senior School Swimming Competitions

The Swimming Pools of Aitchison College echoed with boys’ forgetful cheers during the intense swimming competitions. Congratulations to all the participants who gave their best in the ultimate battle for victory. Every swimming stroke told a story, and every lap carved a legacy for the future swimmers to achieve such triumphs in days to come. 

The Senior School Inter-House Parliamentary Style Debates, 2024 - Arguments Conveyed as Much as Expressions

The Senior School Open-House Chemistry Competition, 2024

Let's Unlock the Mystery of Nature - The Junior School STEAM Lab Inauguration Ceremony

6th September, a Day to Honour the Sacrifices of our Martyrs

The students of Preparatory School, Aitchison College, paid rich tribute to the Defenders of the Nation on September 6, 2024—"Defence Day". Our students delivered speeches, recited poems, and sang patriotic songs, aiming to ignite the spirit of patriotism among their fellows. As we all know, freedom is an undying birthright of all, and we must protect our freedom.

Learning Sciences: Composing Symphony of Logic

The Prep School, Aitchison College students attended a six-day Mathematics Summer STEM Camp from 26th to 31st August,2024 in Singapore. The camp was organized in collaboration with the International Kangaroo Innovative Learning Organization in partnership with Mosaic Play Academy.

During their stay at the camp, the boys learnt Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in a fun way. It enhanced their subject knowledge and skills. This camp was a multicultural experience, bringing together students from Pakistan, Singapore, and Serbia, allowing them to showcase their mathematical and engineering talents.

The highlight of the camp was the Go-Kart Challenge, in which the students after a tough competition won gold medals by assembling and successfully driving their karts by applying lessons in angles, measurements, and design.

This enriching journey not only enhanced our students’ technical skills but also fostered lasting friendships and collaboration.

Welcome to our Fraternity - Reception Dinner to the Newly Inducted Boarders, 24

Aitchison College organised a welcome dinner for the students of Gwyn, Saigol, Monnoo, Bahawalpur, Kelly, Godley, LJ, K&N’s, and Shirazi Houses. This significant event marked the beginning of the new academic year, bringing together boarders from different houses to develop camaraderie and unity.

Campus Boys High School Class 10 Position Holders

Inter-House Qiraat Competition (E2) - 5 Sep 2024

Aitchison Colts Win on Last Ball. Rana and Khan Star with the Bat.

Aitchison Blues Reach Final of Dr GR Chaudhry U 14 Hockey Final. Aitchison Yellow Fall Short

2nd XI Cricket Team Maintain Unbeaten Season in Victory Over Defence Degree College

Aitchison Dominates First Day's Athletics Against Lawrence