The College maintains a privileged connection with companies committed to corporate responsibility and who seek to contribute to the advancement of education by funding various projects. These partnerships enable companies to enjoy invitations to major College events along with recognition of their contribution in the alumni newsletter and on the College website. Naming rights can also be offered to those who fully fund a major capital project.
If you would like to become our corporate partner or discuss giving opportunities at Aitchison, then please contact us on 111-363-063 (Ext. 333) or send an email to [email protected]
We recognise the contribution of Mr. Zubair Khaliq, CEO Multiline Engineering Company and Old Aitchisonian Mr. Faraz Khalid Shaikh, Chief Executive United Foam Industries (Pvt) Ltd. in funding the Aitchison National Junior tennis Championships for Boys and Girls.

Corporate Partners (The Old Building Fund)